Friday, November 18, 2011


After this week, my AUSMAT life officially ended. I am really excited tho. Probably because of you. Then, my holiday starts... Haihz, have to think to go get something to do because once I am free I surely think non-stop... Like seriously, it is impossible for me to let go. Probably, I didn't let it go at all but instead I hidden it deep inside... But, it still appear... I tried so many ways to let it go, it just seems impossible... Maybe it is the matter of time... But like seriously, I know I won't get what I want at the end of the day but I still enjoyed those moments & memories...

Maybe is true that we doesn't meant for each other... Even, My feeling for you is still there... I just know I can't have you anyhow... I really enjoyed the time we had... Quality is more important then quantity so probably I didn't really know you that well and start making assumption... I know if the feeling is not there probably we are close friend already...

For once, I try to get myself drunk so that I don't think about you but it just simply not at all because it is just a short period of time after that I have to back to reality... Sometimes I really do admire those couples.. They are so lovely and happy... Maybe I sound desperate but I know I only want you but no one else...

Maybe, in future I can find someone like you or maybe not... But I hope I will really find someone like you because it is so feel so great...

Whatever left undone shall be left aside because you know you just cannot do it anymore... Whatever thought inside your mind shall leave for the right one...maybe the next one or maybe not...

Time to get rest for my last paper tmw :) night