Saturday, November 5, 2011


Cool!!! It is november already... Please treat me good cause I am having finals from the 3rd nov till the 18th nov... This few weeks I am going to be drown by books and notes haha :D Btw time flies and yet good thing doesnt seems happening at all....

I have this feeling that I just cannot express it out... I know the truth and I know no point trying so hard because it will end up useless.. Probably, I always think too much that's why I will have such feeling...

Time to think for yourself man!! everything coming an end and you still wondering what's is that thing that you always regrets it didn't happen... Just small reminder!!! YOU MUST FUCKING WAKE UP FROM THE PAST!!! ALEX CHU!!!! thing doesn't always go as you wish!!! You think you are the boss isit???? Nope you are NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You have to wake up and start accepting the fact!!! You are not living for others! you live for yourself!!! For what ever you felt regrets you can just dump it aside because what you have to do now is put all in your exam and get a result that could get you into a good uni!!!!

Whatever others said you do not have to bother much because you are not those people somebody and you cannot control them for saying whatever and you think is you!!!! dont perasan sia!!!! wtf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

alright enough....... i am enough!!! just be who you are!! don't bother what people thinks about you or talk about you!!!! defence yourself la dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do not simply get shit from what people said to destroy you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

so what I am still a rockstar !!!!!!!! no one gonna break me down!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!
